I admit it. I'm a bit of a sucker for memes. And I love the idea behind this quote. However, I pretty much refuse to post ANYTHING online without verifying. So, today's Pick Me Up Monday comes with a side of Don't Believe Everything You Read on the Internet. I saved this a few months ago to my phone, just because the quote resonated with me. I'm a big picture kind of gal, and I'm more likely to try and fail at something big than start out saying it can't be done. I love this about myself, and when I start to get down because things aren't going just right, it's a good reminder of why I aim big in the first place. Big dreams can reap big rewards. However, like I said, I like to fact check. I hate to be embarrassed, especially if I could have avoided being inaccurate by doing a little legwork. In this case, I googled the first line of the meme and Churchill. Most results were just this quote, but no history of attribution, so I kept looking. Finally...