Wow. I'm way behind on updating my book blog. However, that doesn't mean that I haven't been reading. On the contrary, my birthday was last week, and that brought with it a slew of new books. One of which was Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel (a gift from my husband). I do love the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. I find the dialogue witty, the characters fun and the plots to be little rollicking adventures that are quick and easy to read. And, I've come to enjoy graphic novels, after six years of my husband's influence. It is because I enjoy both elements of this adaptation that I enjoyed the book.
The original Artemis story is inside the graphic novel. However, it has been shortened and some details have changed (eye and hair colors, mostly). Sometimes, the edits from the story work well, and sometimes they just leave you wishing you had a bit more.
The coloring of the graphic novel was quite well done. The drawings, however, left something to be desired. I will admit I've been spoiled by my husband's choice of fantastic graphic novel artists, though.
All in all, if you love Artemis Fowl or you love graphic novels, you will enjoy this little read. However, if you're new to the series keep this in mind - the graphic novel serves well as a hook, but not as a solid summation of the content of the original novel. My advice - if you've never read the Artemis books - go read them. If you have read them and enjoyed them - check out this little book from your local library.
However, if you want to buy it, here's where you can get it!
From Borders:
And Amazon:
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