My school librarian handed me a copy of The Sight: The Power of Three Warriors Book 1 yesterday and asked me to read and review it for her. I had 3 hours between work and an ensemble rehearsal, so I sat down and dug in.
First off, even though the cover is atrocious, the book is actually pretty decent. It isn't my favorite young adult chapter book, but it really wasn't bad. The story follows the Thunder Clan (Snarf?) and in particular three kittens - Lionpaw, Jaypay & Hollypaw as they enter apprenticeships and suffer through the trials of kitty adolescence. The pack has a tribal feel to it, with positions of importance for warriors, and even a Medicine Cat. In fact, they also meet with other cat Clans at a gathering under a truce to socialize and discuss relavent issues to their tribes.
The plot seems to center more around one particular kitten - Jaypaw - than any other. The treatment of the 3 main characters is very reminiscent of the first book from the Ranger's Apprentice Series by John Flanagan in that while there are 3 characters discussed, the focus is really on the one character that doesn't quite fit in. Jaypaw is blind in the story, and is constantly trying to prove himself. Throughout the book he views the concern of others, even if it is equal to the concern directed at his siblings, as pity for him, which he highly resents.
In general, the characterization is decent. The plot is intriguing, though because its part of a series, loose ends aren't tied up. Kids who love cats will obviously be the best audience for this series - I did feel a little silly reading it. Some of your fantasy fans will also be intrigued by the dream and interactions with the ancestral Star Clan.
You can pick up the books here:
At Amazon:
And at Borders:
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